Women of NeurotechEU, 3rd edition, 7-8 March 2023, Cluj-Napoca

The NeurotechEU Alliance is thrilled to announce the third edition of our Women in Science event, taking place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania on March 7th and 8th, 2023. Hosted by Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet and the NeurotechEU Student Council, this event aims to empower and support women in the field of science and technology, fostering a more diverse and inclusive community.

Throughout the event, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in roundtable discussions, keynote speeches, and networking sessions with female scientists and professionals in the field of neurotechnology. We will also be hosting a communication workshop, providing valuable resources and support for the Alliance.

We believe that increasing the representation of women in science and technology is crucial for driving innovation and progress in the field. This event is an opportunity for attendees to not only learn from and connect with successful women in the field, but also to gain the tools and resources needed to advance their own careers.

Target participation

  • Communication experts/officers from NeurotechEU partners (1/partner)
  • Bachelor, master’s, doctoral or postdoc students (1-2/partner)
  • University leadership
  • Senior researchers
  • Project managers.


7th of March, 2023
Venue: Sala Multimedia, No. 8 V. Babes Street
Communication Meeting, hosted by University of Debrecen10:00–12:00
Synapses Lecture Series, hosted by the NeurotechEU Student Council (parallel)
Invited speaker: Bryndís Björk Ásgeirsdóttir
Communication Workshop, hosted by Karolinska Institutet (parallel)
Detailed agenda available here
Coffee break15:30 –15:4517:30 –17:45
Social evening at Double Tree Hilton20:00 onward
8th of March, 2023
Venue: Sala Multimedia, No. 8 V. Babes Street
Welcome Address by Rector Anca Dana Buzoianu10:00 – 10:15
Keynotes: Outstanding Women of NeurotechEU
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir – Rector of University of Reykjavik
– Arzu Celik – Professor at  Bogazici University
– Kathleen O’Connor – Vice-Rector of University of Lille
– Maria Jose Lopez Sanchez – Vice-Rector  of University Miguel Hernadez Elche
10:15 – 11:30
Coffee break11:30-11:45
Roundtable discussion: Empowering women in STEM disciplines
Co-chairs: Frejya Olaffsdottir, Sara Berci
Participants: Lidia Gömör UD, Sarah Monreal (UBO), Bryndís Björk Ásgeirsdóttir (UR), Corette Wierenga (RU), Arelis Ardiles (ULile), Cristina Iuga (UMF)
11:45 – 13:30
Lunch13:30 – 14:30
Special Session: Neurotechnology explained at all levels (parallel)
Student’s perspective: Berfin Dag SAU Buse Buz Yalug (BOUN)
Graduate researcher’s perspective: Laura Frutos Rincon(UMH)
Senior researcher’s perspective: Joana Pereira (KI)
Professor’s perspective: Corette Wierenga (RU)
Associate Partner’s perspective: Bianca Muntean – Transylvania IT Cluster
14:30 – 15:40
WP1 Hybrid Meeting (parallel)14:00 – 15:30

We invite all individuals with an interest in neurotechnology, especially women, to join us in Cluj-Napoca for the event. Together, we can work towards a more diverse and inclusive future for the field of science and technology!

Reach out to your local NeurotechEU coordinator for details regarding participation today!

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