


NEURICOO is the central organizational structure for the university-industry collaboration of NeurotechEU. NEURICOO will be institutionalizing integration and coordination among NeurotechEU partnering universities and associated members aiming at developing and implementing challenge and technology-based roadmaps for a cost-effective mechanism for translation of innovations into the industry and market.

NEURICOO actions are three-fold:

Exploring and revealing what is available in the partnering and associated universities, industry clusters, and companies for developing technological innovations.
Identifying what is needed to facilitate and operationalize the translation of innovations into the industry and market.
Utilizing the information characterizing what is available and what is needed, identifying actions to be taken, including a matchmaking system to try and match individual academics or laboratories to companies, in the case that the academic and company want support/collaboration. Academic to academic and company-to-company collaboration can also be facilitated through that.

The aim of NEURICOO is to translate innovations into the industry and market, and originally the plan was to provide a cost-effective mechanism for such implementation via Istanbul Health Industry Cluster (ISEK). ISEK being a health industries cluster funded by the EU and Istanbul Regional Development Agency, is a key player for university-industry collaboration.

It embodies a transforming potential for higher education tailored towards technological innovation and is benefiting from the capacity and international global competitive power of Istanbul. Such momentum is aimed at being utilized to integrate and coordinate the capacity of the beneficiaries and associated partners of the consortium towards flourishing the European capacity for neurotechnology.

NEURICOO body: What is available?

All academic units of all partnering NEUROTECHEU universities and all companies in our industrial partners are accessible via indicated links below. Please follow NEURICOO portal, which will provide search facilities soon...

Launching NEURICOO

WP5 roster’s work and utilization of survey outcomes
To foresee which technologies are considered by NeurotechEU experts as impactful currently and in the longer term is an extremely relevant piece of information for a body that is to address technological innovation. The insight needed was delivered by a survey conducted by Schaap and Celikel:

The outcomes of that survey indicate that acutely the most important challenges to be tackled include Health & Heath Care, Biological & Artificial Intelligence, and Learning & Education, and the most impactful technologies that will provide solutions are Robotics, Machine Learning, and Treatment and Diagnostic Technologies and Sensing Technologies. This information was used in designing an online first NEURICOO event. The focus was to bring together academics, students, and representatives of industry clusters of İSEK and Health Valley Netherlands in an attempt to explore the needs of the participants to translate innovations developed into industry and market. This was done in four parallel discussion/brainstorming sessions on themes that were identified by the survey outcomes as described above.

NEURICOO Launch Event

On 25 May 2021, NEURICOO was launched with an online event entitled “Industry Meets Academics and Students” with approximately 400 participants (see event poster below). In the event, Can Yücesoy welcomed all participants, introduced NEURICOO, and presented its aims as a platform developed by NeurotechEU’s Technological Innovation work package (WP5) roster. He indicated that İSEK, Istanbul Health Industries Cluster, a body involving 171 companies, 22 universities, 14 NGOs, and 3 public corporations by design, is a central gateway for NEURICOO to translate innovations into industry. He also announced that Health Valley Netherlands, a major cluster body for life sciences and health fields operating in south Holland, is joining this platform.

Can Yücesoy’s introduction to NEURICOO was followed by talks of Cengizhan Öztürk and Koen van den Hurk which delivered detailed information about İSEK and Health Valley Netherlands, respectively. The launching event also offered four parallel communication/brainstorming sessions on the following key technologies that provide solutions to major neurochallenges: (1) Robotics & Neuro/Medical Devices, (2) Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, (3) Diagnostics & Treatment Methods and (4) Sensing Technologies.

The main outcome of this event, besides launching NEURICOO was a set of questions, which were identified by the participants in the discussions in breakout rooms and brought to the round table discussion by the session leads: Can Yücesoy (Boğaziçi University), Mohsen Kaboli (BMW and Radboud University), Dafin Muresanu (Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca) and Tansu Çelikel (Radboud University). Those questions were cast into a dedicated NEURICOO survey, What is Needed To Translate Innovations into Industry, which was spread across all participants from all partnering universities and companies. The results of that survey are presented below, and they are shaping NEURICOO’s ongoing specific actions towards the accomplishment of WP5 achievements.

Outcomes of the NEURICOO Survey

What is Needed to Translate Innovations into Industry?

About the survey

Around 150 participants comprising academics, students, company, cluster and TTO representatives (see figure for their percentages) casted opinions that now shape NEURICOO actions to serve for the needs of NeurotechEU stakeholder’s technological innovation challenges. The participants were asked to vote for each topic by choosing scores from 1 (least important) to 5 (most important). In the report, scores of 4 and 5 were taken to indicate the highest level of importance. Percentages indicated in the text are the summed percentages of participants answering 4 and 5.


Access to grants, funds and subsidies for research and innovation are the central need indicated by participants.

Knowing what is available across the ecosystem can facilitate achievement far and beyond

Specific trainings towards neuromorphic innovations and entrepreneurship for students, and recruiting well trained employees for companies to serve for the R&D job market

NEURICOO may increase stakeholders’ engagement for elevation of TRL (Technological Readiness Level) of innovations and utilization of TTO’s (Technology Transfer Offices)

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