Online Women of NeurotechEU event on International Women’s Day March 8

Join the online event of

Women of NeurotechEU on March 8, 2024

Organised by our NeurotechEU student council

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women in all fields, including science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), politics, business, and the arts. Women worldwide face significant challenges, including discrimination, gender-based violence, and limited representation in decision-making roles. International Women’s Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about these issues and advocate for gender equality. It is also a time to celebrate the achievements of women and highlights the ongoing struggle for gender equality.


  • 09:30-09:45 OPENING
  • 09:45-10:00 RECTOR’S LECTURE
  • 11:00-12:30 PANEL DISCUSSION
  • 12:30-12:45 PANEL Q&A
  • 12:45-13:14 BREAKOUT ROOMS
  • 13:15-13:30 CONCLUDING REMARKS

Read about our previous Women of NeurotechEU event here

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