Board of Rectors meeting in Lille – watch the aftermovie

Aftermovie of the Board of Rectors meeting in Lille, November 2023

Technology FROM, FOR, and WITH the brain

To launch the second phase of NeurotechEU between the consortium’s member universities, delegations from the eight partner universities – Université de Lille (France), Radboud University in Nijmegen (Netherlands), Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm (Sweden), University of Bonn (Germany), Miguel Hernandez University in Elche (Spain), Bogazici University in Istanbul (Turkey), the University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Cluj Napoca (Romania) and Reykjavik University (Iceland) – met in Lille on 13, 14 and 15 November. The chairmen, scientific managers, technical and administrative staff, lecturers, doctoral students and students have formed working groups based around the project’s five work packages. An activity plan has been drawn up for the next 6 months, with the aim of implementing closer cooperation between the partners from January 2024.

Phase 2 has been launched! NeurotechEU will deliver major scientific achievements in technological and societal innovation and will bring major benefits to our regions, economy and society, in the service of sustainable development. We are very excited to be working with our partners!

Can Yücesoy, Professor at Boğaziçi University (Turkey)

On the menu for the coming period: the foundation of an inter-university campus with a dedicated platform, increased mobility for learners and staff – physical, virtual and hybrid – particularly for short programmes such as summer schools, the development of new joint student-centred training courses, and the development of a joint European master’s degree in neurotechnologies, to name just one of the expected deliverables.

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Faces of NeurotechEU and NeurotechRI – Interview with the head of the international relations office, Orsolya Janosy

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Faces of NeurotechEU: Building Bridges for Neurotech Empowerment – Conversation with Sandra Speer

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