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The Summer School of Brain Mapping and Stimulation Techniques has begun

The Iuliu HaČ›ieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca is thrilled to announce that the Summer School of Brain Mapping and Stimulation Techniques coordinated by Professor Dafin MureČ™anu, MD, PhD and Lecturer Livia Popa, MD, PhD, has officially begun on September 3-4, 2024, with a virtual introductory component. The program will continue with in-person sessions from September 9-13, 2024, in Cluj-Napoca. 

This program offers a unique opportunity for professional development and a chance to be part of an international community of neurotechnology specialists. It is organized as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP), part of the NeurotechEU European University Alliance and brings together students, teachers and researchers interested in advanced technologies in neuroscience.


Program Overview

  • Virtual Component (September 3-4, 2024) consisted in online sessions covering the basics of electroencephalographyEEG, quantitative electroencephalography QEEG, and advanced neuroimaging technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI, functional near-infrared spectroscopy fNIRS, and Magnetoencephalography (MEG). Additionally, they were introduced to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), and eye tracking techniques.
  • In-Person Sessions (September 9-13, 2024): Starting September 9th, at the UMF Iuliu HaČ›ieganu campus and the RoNeuro Institute, the Center for Research and Diagnosis of Neurological Diseases, participants will dive deeper into the concepts presented online through hands-on workshops, interactive lectures, and team-based activities. Highlights include QEEG signal preprocessing, brain connectivity analysis, eye tracking, and live demonstrations of brain stimulation techniques using cutting-edge equipment.


Program Highlights
  • Cutting-Edge Brain Technologies: Participants will become familiar with techniques such as EEG, QEEG, and brain connectivity analysis using specialised programs like Brain Vision Analyzer and Brainstorm – MATLAB.
  • Hands-On Experience: Attendees will apply theory in hands-on workshops, including EEG registration, brain mapping, eye tracking technologies and brain stimulation techniques like TMS and tDCS.
  • Cultural Exchange: The program includes cultural activities and collaboration with participants from diverse backgrounds, offering the opportunity to enjoy the richness of Cluj-Napoca through guided tours and networking dinners.