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Join the Donders Discussions 2023 supported by NeurotechEU

Event Start date
19 Oct, 2023 13:00
Event End Date
20 Oct, 2023 15:00
Event Location
City centre of Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Join the Donders Discussions by and for PhD students!

Donders Discussions is an annual meeting dedicated to covering neuroscience research from molecular to cognitive levels. This meeting is hosted by the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior (DI), and it is specially organized by PhDs and for PhDs inside and outside of this organization. Donders Discussions aims to bring together PhDs from different labs and institutions and offer them a platform to discuss and present their science to a broad audience, exchange experiences and network with peers in a relaxed atmosphere. This year, after a covid-related hiatus, weā€™re back! The Donders Discussions 2023 is supported by NeurotechEU.

  • Date: 19 and 20 October (with a possible extra date)
  • Location: City centre of Nijmegen, the Netherlands
  • Application: Via your local NeurotechEU office

Registration is open for PhD students at our NeurotechEU universities. Costs for travel and accommodation will be covered by the NeurotechEU grant.  

Join the online live stream here:

- For the keynote talk by Timo van Kerkoerle about "Detailed neural mechanisms of top-down visual processing in macaque monkeys" on October 19, at 13:30: Click here to join the meeting
- For the keynote talk by Claire Sergeant about "Investigating the neural mechanisms of conscious processing in humans" on October 20, at 13:00: Click here to join the meeting 


Programme and flyer