The European University Alliance of Brain and Technology NeurotechEU pursues its mission and secures another four years of funding granted by the European Commission
The European University Alliance of Brain and Technology NeurotechEU pursues its mission and secures another four years of funding granted by the European Commission

The European Commission has published the selection results of the 2023 Erasmus+ call for proposals for European Universities, which supports alliances of higher education institutions that will shape the future of the European Education Area. These European University alliances are training a new generation of Europeans who can study and work in different European countries, in different languages, and across sectors and academic disciplines. NeurotechEU, the European University of Brain and Technology, is among the 30 selected alliances and will receive 14.3 million € to enter the project's second phase.
For the next four years, NeurotechEU will advance training, research, and innovation along the eight dimensions of neurotechnology and make Lifelong Learning a vital element of the project and use it as a positive force for innovation in education and training, building on new tools, platforms, and pedagogical principles delivering personalisation, hybrid learning, experience-driven training, and team science. Capitalising on the experiences gathered in the pilot phase of the alliance and best practices, new programs will be deployed with a clear logic of mobility and exchange at its heart. Further, a future pan-European university requires solid and innovative governance, fostering effective collaboration while preserving the current identity of the included partner universities.
“By building on our mantra “technology for, from, and with the brain”, we have a unique opportunity to shape the future of European education, research, and innovation, accelerating the collaboration across countries, institutions, disciplines, application domains, and between academia and society.”
With the strengthening of its collaboration, NeurotechEU can further scale its mission to deliver interconnected, inclusive, and responsive education and training for all segments of society and in all regions of Europe, educating students across all levels (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and lifelong learners) and shaping the next generation of multidisciplinary scientists, innovators, and entrepreneurs that will address Europe’s challenges in society, technology, and health.
Through a shared conceptual framework, common values, and established communication and training platforms, NeurotechEU will increase focused mobility and exchange opportunities for students, researchers,and staff and foster collaboration on joint research and innovation projects. In addition, NeurotechEU is positioned in such a way that it can directly contribute to advances in understanding the mind and brain and the application of these advances to the benefit of society.