6th International Bonn Brain3 Conference: applications open
The 6th International BonnBrain3 conference, taking place from August 7-9, 2023, will be hosted by the University of Bonn together with the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar. The conference venue is the newly built Lecture Hall Center of Poppelsdorf, located within walking distance from the city center of Bonn. The University of Bonn is pleased to invite all partners of the NeurotechEU Alliance to the BonnBrain3 conference. Participants can expect an interesting program and an excellent group of international speakers. In addition, BonnBrain3 will continue the tradition of featuring a neuroscience art competition and a closing party on the last evening. For all participants of NeurotechEU there will be a social event for exchange and networking in a relaxed atmosphere, sponsored by the University of Bonn.
- Bachelor and Master students
- Technicians
- Doctoral students and Postdocs
- Principal investigators
Registration information
The registration and abstract submission website is open; further information can be found here. An early registration fee is available until June 1, 2023 late registrations will be accepted until July 30, 2023. For those who register early, there is an early-bird registration discount. Postdocs and students are strongly encouraged to apply for a short talk.
Send your applications to your local Neurotech EU coordinators!